Sunday 15 August 2021

And It Went Like Song

And It Went Like Song

Do you know Glitt's music when Miss Susie was a child? That's it, what are your words? ۔

I need to know all the melodies of the patty cake song, that's all I did ... when Miss Susie was a girl, when Miss Susie was a girl, she was so wow that my thumb lost me

Miss Susie is a child, a child, a child.

Miss Susie is still a baby and she says something like this:

amazing! amazing!

Miss Susie is a little girl, a little girl.

Miss Susie was a girl and she said something like this:

amazing! amazing!

* Thumb up * (actually said)

Miss Susie is a, a, a.

Miss Susie is one of them and she said something like this:

amazing! amazing!

* My thumb *

* Make a call * (really said)

Miss Susie is still a teenager, a teenager, a teenager.

Miss Susie was still a teenager and she said something like this:

amazing! amazing!

* My thumb *

* Make a call *

Oops! I lost mine! My friend in another salon!

Miss Susie is a mother, a mother, a mother.

Miss Susie is a mother and she says something like this:

amazing! amazing!

* My thumb *

* Make a call *

Oops! I lost mine! My friend in another salon!

Close! The baby is sleeping.

Miss Susie is Grandma, Grandma, Grandma.

Miss Susie is a grandmother and she said something like this:

amazing! amazing!

* My thumb *

* Make a call *

Oops! I lost mine! My friend in another salon!

Close! The baby is sleeping.

Oh! My back ah!

Miss Susie.

Miss Susie goes and goes like this:

amazing! amazing!

* My thumb *

* Make a call *

Oops! I lost my friends in another hallway!

Close! The baby is sleeping.

Oh! My back ah!

* Funny music *

Miss Susie is an angel, an angel, an angel.

Miss Susie is an angel and she said something like this:

amazing! amazing!

* My thumb *

* Make a call *

Oops! I lost my friends in another hallway!

Close! The baby is sleeping.

Oh! My back ah!

* Funny music *

Praise be to God! Praise be to God!

And It Went Like Song

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